TKG Training, co-founded by Sarano and Brooke Kelley, is the premier training program for service professionals throughout the U.S. After years of extensive research and with having trained more than 250,000 financial professionals, TKG’s innovative programs have been endorsed by some of the largest firms on Wall Street.
Soon to be featured on Laurence Fishburne’s “Behind the Scenes,” a documentary that will be broadcast on Public Television, CNN, CNBC,
FOX Business and Discovery, this highly evolved program is designed to change behaviors. Unlike many training programs that only strive to change the way you think, TKG knows that “thinking” doesn’t always equate to “doing.”
To change deeply ingrained and unproductive behaviors, TKG’s highly customized programs include a careful evaluation of each participant’s professional and personal processes. A customized plan is then created and a roadmap provided to help participants break old habits, replacing them with proven skills for successful business development.
Past participants in these programs have found their business have grown exponentially. With its unique accountability and statistical tracking system, TKG guarantees its programs will produce specific measurable results when correctly applying the skills and techniques taught. At the conclusion, as master communicators, participants will find client relationships are strengthened and prospects are calling, asking to do business with them!
TKG Training includes a deliberate sequence of steps that build on the previous skills taught, and each equally necessary to reach the top of the performance ladder. Prominent elements of its training programs, whether four weeks, six weeks or 90-days, include these three essential ingredients:
1. Analysis of participant’s current systems and procedures – personal and professional.
2. Hands-on training with recorded role-play to ensure key concepts are internalized.
3. Dialogues and Role-play – Introductory, discovery, relationship-building and closing scripts are learned that can be used with anyone in any situation.
In today’s environment, massive changes have occurred that necessitate a change in the way professionals communicate. Knowing that communication is a key ingredient for successful business management and development, innovative professionals are stepping into a virtual world where they can overcome the roadblocks to “business as usual” and effectively communicate with clients and gain access to coveted prospects.
TKG’s innovative programs are designed for advisors and their teams, marketing executives, corporate personnel and others who want to access the high-net-worth market and are ready to attain the status of “master communicator.”
TKG’s innovative programs are designed for advisors and their teams, marketing executives, corporate personnel and others who want to access the high net-worth market and are ready to attain the status of “master communicator.”
[4-week program]
In this highly informative series, advisors will learn how to ensure client loyalty, reactivate prior clients, and overcome obstacles for finding and turning prospects into clients. Taught by communications expert Sarano Kelley, this unique, four-week program provides a repertoire of highly effective business communication skills.
As advisors learn how to give their full attention to what they can control, they’ll learn how to make the disruptions they encounter work for, not against them. These interactive sessions will energize advisors, renew their sense of purpose and increase their ability to outpace and outperform the competition by positioning them as top performers in asset acquisition.
Transitioning Clients to a New Firm
Most advisors continually work at strengthening client relationships. However, when the advisor moves to a new firm, top clients are often left behind. Most often it’s because the advisors doesn’t have a process in place for transitioning them in a reassuring way.
In this powerful training, advisors will learn:
• A unique process for transitioning relationships to a new firm.
• How to hit the refresh button to recover lost accounts.
• Powerful dialogues that will have clients enthusiastically making the move with them.
• Proven techniques for handling any objection.
Creating a Network of COIs with the Help of Family, Friends and Social Acquaintances
In this session, advisors learn how to create a pipeline of leads before the leads even exist. With the help of readily available resources — family, friends and social acquaintances – they’ll explore ways to connect with Centers of Influence (COIs) in their community. These COIs are well connected socially, politically and/or economically and can lead to a wealth of opportunity.
In this session, advisors will learn how to:
• Encourage clients to refer their friends and family members who are being underserved by or who have lost confidence in their current advisor.
• Get clients onboard so they are willing to connect them with their COIs.
• Interview the COI to uncover his or her unique business development needs and determine if the COI is a good fit for the advisor’s business objectives.
Advisors also will receive dialogues to help them:
• Communicate their unique value proposition to potential COI partners – what sets them apart from their competition.
• Discover why COIs aren’t referring business to them.
• Elevate their COI relationships to the next level.
Operating in a Virtual World
In today’s world, more and more professionals depend on virtual communication to connect with clients and prospects. However, many advisors haven’t been trained to effectively use this medium to provide a “personal touch.”
In this session, advisors will learn important presentation skills for:
• Ensuring their message is professionally delivered.
• Delivering a message that is highly interactive and encourages feedback.
• Identifying physical traits that show/tell if the participant is actively engaged.
• Checking in to confirm the message has been properly received.
The 90-Day Game and Advisor Accountability
The skills an advisor learns are for naught if they don’t have a system in place for using them, a plan for consistently and correctly implementing them and a way to be held accountable for reaching them. In this session, advisors will learn techniques featured in the best-selling book, “The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days,” by Sarano and Brooke Kelley, that will help them successfully reach their goals.
Skills they’ll learn include:
• Value of having an accountability partner and the role he/she plays.
• Assessing opportunities available to the advisor – mind dumping.
• Time blocking for business development activities.
• Identifying and building a pipeline of COIs.
• How to statistically gauge their progress.
• Review and Q&A.
In today’s world, more and more professionals depend on virtual communication to connect with clients and prospects. However, many advisors have never been trained to effectively use this medium as an effective communication tool that enables them to deliver a “personal touch.”
In these highly informational, hands-on sessions, advisors will learn important presentation skills for:
• Ensuring their virtual message is professionally delivered.
• Delivering a message that is highly interactive and encourages feedback.
• Identifying physical traits that show/tell if the participant is actively engaged.
• Checking in to confirm the message has been properly received.
Session Overview
As advisors actively engage in six, 45-minute sessions, they will explore the tools and techniques required for delivering a message that will resonate with prospects and clients alike and will produce the results they are seeking.
Sessions include:
1. An Overview – Advisors gain a satellite overview of the how virtual selling is the wave of the future. They’ll be introduced to a unique system that is ideal for strengthening client relationships and for bringing prospects into the fold during challenging times.
2. The Virtual Cold Call — In this session, advisors will learn a unique approach for identifying new prospects and then delivering a personalized message that guarantees a follow-up meeting with them nearly every time.
3. The Virtual Discovery Call – Advisors learn an effective road map for navigating a client’s buying patterns and decision-making drivers during a virtual discovery meeting. This unique system will ensure that clients/prospects arrive at the best destination for their individualized needs.
4. The Virtual Sales Process – Advisors know and are experienced with the nuts and bolts of selling, but few realize there is a significant difference in face-to-face and virtual selling. In this session, they’ll learn techniques that supersede “ordinary” sales techniques to become masters of virtual selling.
5. Communication/Buying Styles – Advisors learn how to read and adjust their approach to each client’s individual communication and buying style. By learning and applying the skills taught, they will become experts in the art and science of non-verbal communication.
6. Building, Delivering and Closing the Presentation – Delivering an effective presentation is a talent few are born with, and understanding the dynamics required for a virtual event are even more challenging. Yet anyone can become proficient in this area once they learn the correct techniques – the cadence, amount of information and how to share it, how to elicit feedback, and most important, how to expertly deliver the close. At this hands-on session, advisors will learn how to successfully deliver a virtual message that is easily digested by their audience.
90-DAY TRAINING PROGRAM [15 sessions]
This highly interactive 15-week training is designed to energize advisors and includes three preseason sessions and 12 highly interactive sessions. Its purpose is to renew the advisors commitment to building a successful practice and increase their ability to outpace and outperform the competition.
Each week, advisors will learn innovative marketing and communication techniques along with participating in role-play activities. These exercises will ensure the advisors internalize and integrate the skills taught.
During a three-week pre-season, Sarano and Brooke Kelley prepare The Game players to begin their 90-day journey. Three sessions include Introduction to The Game System:
• Assist players in authoring their personal Game
• Mind-dumping and time block are introduced and modeled
• Methodical process outlined to address preparing player’s key environments for the 90-Day Game
• Supplementary materials include 90-Day Game Playbook and The Game: Winning Your Life in 90 Days book.
During the next 12 weeks, players will:
• Attend a weekly 45-minute coaching call led by Sarano Kelley with a team of 10-12 advisors
• Be assigned to a daily accountability partner based on scientific matching
• Participate a daily 5 to 15 minute accountability call with daily accountability partner
• Accountability calls are scripted and based on protocol
• Accountability calls are based on individual daily and weekly points- per player’s scorecard:
– Attend weekly 45-min training call led by Sarano and Brooke Kelley with team members
– Training calls are LIVE
– Training Calls are recorded and the recordings are made
available to players for the length of their career
-Training Calls include live roll play with the coaches and can be
transcribed upon request for advisor’s records
-Training Calls are led and accompanied by 90-Day Game
Playbook (200 + pages in length)
This highly interactive 12-week training is designed to energize advisors, renew their commitment to building a successful advisory practice and increase their ability to outpace and outperform the competition.
Each week, advisors will learn innovative marketing and communication skills and techniques along with participating in role-play activities. These exercises will ensure advisors internalize and integrate the skills taught.
WEEK 1. Introduction to the 90-Day Game Process
The skills an advisor learns are for naught if they don’t have a system in place for consistently and correctly implementing them and a way to be held accountable for reaching them. In this session, advisors will learn techniques featured in the best-selling book, “The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days,” by Sarano and Brooke Kelley.
In this session, advisors will learn:
• The value of having an accountability partner and the role he/she plays.
• How to identify opportunities readily available to them – mind dumping.
• Time blocking for business development activities.
• How to gauge their progress in daily calls with an accountability partner and weekly statistical reporting.
WEEK 2. Understanding the Marketing Process
The most important element of sales is social or conversational marketing that involves voice-to-voice or face-to-face communication between the advisor and a prospect and/or client.
Conversational marketing is about dialogues and the strategic order of those conversations. In this session, advisors will learn the four prongs, vital to the success of a marketing campaign.
They include:
1. Having a Detailed Plan. This should include details such as who you want to meet with and how the meeting will be arranged.
2. Developing a Process. The process makes the plan a reality. It allows the advisor to execute it with precision. It should have an accountability factor.
3. Preparing and Practicing Your Presentation. This is a dialogue (script) to be used to carry out the plan and process. This provides a standardized communication that you and your team to use to ensure your message is consistent and relayed in a professional manner.
4. Overcoming Objections. These are predictable, reasonable concerns and issues people have and that the advisors needs to be prepared to answer.
WEEK 3. The Closing, Part One –A Highly Effective Communication Strategy
In this session, advisors will learn a sequence of steps designed to optimally impact a situation, whether talking with a client, prospect or a COI. They’ll learn the importance of each step and gain hands-on experience in the practical application of each. Included are:
• Replay – The advisor replays the object or resistance.
• Verification – The client or prospect verifies the accuracy of the Replay.
• Acknowledgement – The advisor acknowledges the person for their object or resistance.
• Isolation – The advisor makes sure this is the main issue by segregating it from any others.
• Verification – The client or prospect verifies.
• The advisor replays the main concern.
WEEK 4. The Closing, Part Two: Handling Objections
Usually advisors don’t like handling objections. Most of the time it’s because they are ill prepared even though they hear the same or similar objections over and over again. In this session, advisors will explore a special class of probes designed to “reframe’ the way the prospect or client is relating to their own concern or issue.
They’ll learn:
• The importance of having a communication strategy in place for addressing objections.
• The difference between conscious and unconscious reframes.
• Conscious objects are when there seems to be a rational or logical issue with the proposal.
• Unconscious objections are an emotional or illogical reaction to the proposal.
• Proven dialogues that encourage prospects/clients to engage in an open exchange, allowing the advisor to adequately address the issue at hand.
WEEK 5. Operating in a Virtual World
In today’s world, more and more professionals depend on virtual communication to connect with clients and prospects. However, many advisors haven’t been trained to effectively use this medium to provide a more “personal touch.”
In this session, advisors will learn important presentation skills for:
• Ensuring their message is professionally delivered
• Delivering a message that is highly interactive and encourages feedback.
• Identifying physical traits that show/tell if the participant is actively engaged.
• Checking in to confirm the message has been properly received.
WEEK 6. Identifying and Leveraging COIs
Centers of Influence (COIs) are professionals who are well established in the community, and are influential socially, politically and/or economically. In this session, advisors will learn how to:
• Create a pipeline of COIs with the help of readily available resources — family, friends and social acquaintances.
• Get clients onboard so they are willing to connect the advisor with their COIs.
• Interview the COI to uncover his or her unique business development needs and determine if the COI is a good fit for the advisor’s business objectives.
• Communicate their unique value proposition to potential COI partners – what sets them apart from their competition.
• Discover why COIs aren’t referring business to them.
• Elevate their COI relationships to the next level.
WEEK 7. Mid-point results.
As they reach the halfway point, the advisors’ statistics will be reviewed and each will share their experiences using the strategies they’ve been taught. They’ll then set goals for the second half of the training.
WEEK 8. Optimizing Your Client Relationships
It’s important for advisors to maximize their relationships with existing clients. This can be done by:
• Doing “more” business with them.
• Providing “different” investment solutions.
• Presenting themselves as an appropriate resource for “bigger” pools of money.
In this session, advisors explore:
• Dialogues to suggest clients consolidate their assets. (more)
• Dialogues advisors can use to tell clients they have expanded their solutions. (different)
• Dialogue where advisors reposition themselves, asking the client to “step it up.” The skills learned in Weeks 3 and 4 are still applicable here: Replay, acknowledgement, isolation and handling objections.
WEEK 9. Family, Friends and Social Acquaintances
When an advisor is looking for new clients, the easiest and most available group to reach out to is family, friends and social acquaintances. Unfortunately many shy away from approaching this group because the don’t want to appear bothersome or be referred to as “that guy.” In this session, advisors will learn:
• How to initiate a dialogue with people you’re close to.
• The wrong way to approach friends and family members.
• How to overcome rejections, keeping in mind three possible outcomes.
• You can change the person’s mind (reframe).
• Negotiate the issue to come to some sort of accommodation.
• Just walk away.
• The value of this group, even if they don’t become clients. They can:
– Educate you on their industry.
– Provide a reference for you.
– Introduce you to COIs or strategic partner.
– Gain entrance to a social circle.
– Mentor you
– Refer you to people they know.
WEEK 10. Effective Prospecting through LinkedIn
LinkedIn continues to be the most popular social media platform used by financial advisors, and it presents a trove of opportunities for advisors to recruit new clients. In this session, advisors will learn:
• To put a practice in place for how they respond when someone reaches out to them on LinkedIn — this includes establish a rule for getting back to him/her within 24 hours.
• A phone and email dialogue for establishing a “mutually beneficial” relationship.
• Dialogue for handling rejections.
• Dialogue to scheduling a time to follow-up.
• What they realistically can expect.
• The Importance of keeping stats so they can evaluate and troubleshoot each strategy, e.g.
• How many requests did the advisor sent out in a week/month?
• How many request did the advisor receive?
• How many people did the advisor call?
• How many said yes or no?
• How many were a good fit?
• What objections did the advisor encounter? What were they?
• How much business has the advisor closed based on LinkedIn?
WEEK 11. Reversing the Deal Flow: Creating Your Own Marketing Campaign
WEEK 12. Reporting — Review and Q&A
In this session, advisors will again assess their stats and share their experiences with group members. Each will set goals for continued implementation of the skills they’ve learned.
In only 90 days an advisor will have a well-written and tested process for reaching out to previously untapped resources, and enabling them to grow their businesses exponentially.
Brooke Kelley
Brooke is co-founder and President of The Kelley Group, Intl. For two decades, she has explored techniques used by elite financial advisors to bring prospects to their door, retain existing clients and significantly increase the assets they manage. Brooke’s informative and highly motivational speaking approach always leaves advisors wanting more. An astute professional, she is admired for her business savvy and contagious enthusiasm.
Brooke is responsible for closing $750k in new business annually for The Kelley Group, all while running the operations and a private coaching practice catering to members of Barron’s Top 100 and Forbes’ Top 20 list. She also has been instrumental in writing content for The Kelley Group’s highly effective training and coaching programs. Her four-part program, Reversing the Deal Flow, is in high demand by financial firms throughout the U.S. and Canada. In addition, The Kelley Group’s on-site Face-to-Face Communication Skills Training is regularly filled to capacity.
Formerly employed by King Pharmaceuticals, Brooke excelled at sales, earning the company’s Rookie of the Year award and the Monarch President’s Award. As the director of salesforce automation for the company, Brooke addressed the implementation, training and validation of the system. After being recruited by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, she quickly became one of their top 10 sales reps out of 8,000 globally.
Brooke also was executive producer of two television shows showcasing The Kelley Group’s unique business building strategy — ABC TV’s “The Game Winning at Life” (90 airings of landmark television show co-produced by TKG) and VH1’s Financial Literacy Television Special “Broke and Famous” produced by the creators of “Extreme Home Makeover” and co-produced by The Kelley Group.
As a champion for causes supporting the underprivileged, Brooke spearheaded celebrity participation for the United Nations Foundation and the “Stand Up Against Poverty Campaign.” In her executive role with The Kelley Group, she has been instrumental in creating the non-profit “Stand Up for Financial Literacy Campaign,” on behalf of The Kelley Group and Kasina Consulting. To further promote the effort, Direxion Fund sponsored the program’s “ringing of the bell” at the NYSE.
Brooke has served as the National Spokesperson for the Women’s Coalition and continues to serve as an advocate for women on Wall Street. Along with actively providing education and training to industry professionals, Brooke is currently pursuing her Masters Degree in Communication at The University of Southern California. Previously she graduated with honors from Pepperdine University. Part of Brooke’s “get things done” attitude can be attributed to her intensive training and the dedication required as a former Junior Olympic Swimmer.
Sarano Kelley
As co-founder and CEO of The Kelley Group, Intl., Sarano Kelley has extensive experience training professionals at all levels in the fine art of communication. Whether talking with a client one-on-one, delivering a half-hour to full-day message via video conferencing, or appearing on national television, the skills he teaches will ensure a successful outcome every time.
Because so few are taught the fine art of communication and how to perform in front of a camera, virtual messages often fall flat. For decades, Sarano has been training professionals how to deliver an articulate and effective message in a way that will engage the audience ensuring the message is not only received, but also internalized.
As a consummate communication expert and a leading trainer, Sarano has been engaged by some of the largest firms on Wall Street and has conducted training for numerous C-level firms, such as IBM, Xerox, Ford, GM, Merck, Pfizer and Boston Consulting among others. He has been retained by some of the top accounting firms, such as KPMG, Coopers and Lybrand, and top law firms such as Chadbourne and Parke to prepare key leaders for partnership roles. Being uniquely qualified to train C-Suite executives in media skills, he spent two years as a media skills coach on behalf of The White House Fellows.
Sarano is the industries number # 1 rated speaker by the Wharton School of Business’s Securities Industry Association program. Along with having been one of the youngest, most successful advisors on Wall Street at age 23, he was an early trainer at Xerox, one of the first companies to adopt the consultative selling approach.
This fall, Sarano’s innovative and highly effective work as a communication coach and trainer will be featured on “Behind the Scenes,” in partnership with actor Laurence Fishburne, who is known for his work on The Matrix Trilogy and Contagion. The documentary will be broadcast on CNN, CNBC, FOX Business, and every PBS Station.
Co-founded by Brooke and Sarano Kelley, The Kelley Group’s mantra is: Help others reach their goals and aspire to be the best they can be in both their personal and professional lives. Utilizing more than three decades of extensive research and training experience, TKG is rated as one of the top training companies in the U.S. To date, more than 250,000 professionals have benefited from its innovative and highly effective training and coaching programs and have been educated and motivated at numerous industry events.
TKG is partnering with the former publisher of Worth magazine to launch HNW.TV, the first streaming channel produced exclusively for CEOs, business entrepreneurs, financial professionals, and other professionals who are influential socially, politically and/or economically. HNW.TV will be available on ROKU, Apple.TV, YouTube and Amazon Fire and it can be viewed on smart TVs or by downloading the HNW.TV app on computers and smartphones. The Kelley’s will share the platform with special guests and partners from Inc. magazine’s Inc. CEO Project as they unveil their innovative program for helping financial advisors form Mastermind Groups.
TKG co-founders Sarano and Brooke Kelley are authors of the best-selling book, The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days, which is the basis for their popular coaching program by the same name, and has been made into two landmark television shows. They also are co-authors of Reversing the Deal Flow: The Secret to Prospects Calling You to Become Clients and The Recruiting Conundrum: A Consistent, Disciplined Approach to Attracting Top Talent. Their newest book, COI Mastermind Groups: The New Influencer Marketing, will be available in 2021.